Male instrumental assortment

So, incomplete, brief classification of bad female characters … Let’s start from the beginning — saw ..

Daw-Narod. It is brought into the work by one person — a partner in activity, everyday life and so on. In most cases — spouse. The easiest option to prevent sawing is not to move a single harmful thought in the head of the saw. The worst method of reconciliation is to stop the first to resist or, moreover, to attack. Hugged, kissed-the movement of the saw begins from the bitchy-emotional to horizontal. All. Now calm.

If the first method does not help, it is very likely that it drank a two -handed. This means that there is someone else who pulls the second pen-mother-in-law, girlfriend, lover. To neutralize her desire to drink you, you need to neutralize this person who has so loved you. Further-act respectively by the guide for working with a saw-knitting saw.

But what to do, if you have met a chainsaw, which starts from a single turn, and calms down only when gasoline ends? Try only to get to the button to turn off ahead of time … the faster you go to the psychologist, it is for the better for you, otherwise it may happen that you will be able to contact the police or urgent medical care. Ideally — do not contact such copies, it is unrealistic to redo the chainsaw.

Further about the usual hammer. It’s great if you earn a single finger for any miss. Get all the same on a finger only once or to be sawn-out for a long time-different things. In addition, a hammer is a reliable comrade on the life of the path, and your finger after 5 minutes will bind it itself.

Not far from the sledgehammer, a young lady — a jack, in which hydraulic cylinders are used. Faithful, calm and quiet, she got used to pull everything on herself. Her house is much better than anyone else, and with a career everything is normal — she contains the family itself, and the kids are wonderful, and you are happy with everyone. Only one day she can not withstand the load, and all this will collapse on you. Therefore, use the jack reasonably, do not call to tear it off from the hassle for prevention in the resort ..

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