Design of capital construction objects: stages and necessary documentation

Capital construction is the construction of new structures, as well as the reconstruction, expansion, modernization and technical re -equipment of existing buildings. At the same time, all stages are covered: the first is the design of capital construction facilities, the latter is the commissioning of the facilities, and the intermediate stages. The construction of any building can only begin with the finished approved project. That is why the design of capital construction objects is of great importance: the effectiveness of the building of the building depends on its quality of execution, as well as its safety.

Stages of the design of capital construction projects

Any design begins with the study of the wishes and proposals of the customer, as well as the creation of the main idea of ​​the future project. Based on the idea and compiled technical specifications, architectural design of capital construction objects begins. Experts take into account the plan of the terrain and its geological features, as well as the presence of existing buildings and structures. In addition, architects will have to enter the future building into a composition with neighboring buildings. The next stage is the approval of the project with the customer. The latter may make comments and proposals if they do not contradict the requirements and norms of the legislation. Further, the design of the structural elements and their optimization are calculated. The final stage is the preparation of all the necessary documentation. Since 2008, the design of capital construction facilities should take place in two stages: the stage of design documentation and the stage of working documentation.

Self -regulatory organizations and design bureaus

The design of capital construction facilities is carried out by a design bureau — an organization that has a certificate that gives the right to perform this type of work. The design bureau includes highly qualified specialists who will carry out survey and design work on time in accordance with all the rules and norms. Most of these organizations are currently united in partnerships. SRO (self -regulatory organizations) is a very debugged mechanism: they combine a large number of certified designers. This makes the construction industry more efficient.

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