Stroller walk: how to choose the best?

A kid at the age of 1.5 years begins to more and more strive for independent walking, so at this age a easier stroller walk comes to change a stroller with a cradle. Before buying it, you should pay attention to the following points.

The weight. The mass of the stroller will depend directly on the materials from which it is compiled. The more aluminum and plastic parts in a stroller, the easier it is. At the same time, choosing an easier option, do not forget about safety, because the stroller should be stable enough to prevent its possible overturning. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the material from which the frame is made. Best if it is metallic.

Comfort. A stroller children’s walk should be, first of all, convenient for the baby to feel well in her. Comfort of the stroller can be provided with a spacious seat, a wide hard back, special legs stands, a folding hood and a cross -line handle.

Safety. The baby stroller should be equipped with holding belts, a safety handrail and inguinal strap. All these details will be able to prevent the baby from under the seat.

Cross -country ability. It is desirable that the front wheel has a movable mount in a walking stroller, which will provide it with easier control. In addition, all the wheels should be large and wide, have strong metallic knitting needles and an enhanced tread.

From how we accustom the child to the stroller at an early age, it will be dependent on and its perseverance in the stroller already at a later age. And from this and the choice of stroller with certain characteristics.

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